Team Resources

5 Minute Oral Presentation Guidelines

5-minute oral presentation slide submissions are due May 16, 2022. Please review the ESD Showcase Student Submission Checklist and PowerPoint slide requirements. Please note: There will not be a printer available to print the posters. There will be easels, monitors and foam boards for the posters provided during the set-up times. Please see attached for items that will be provided onsite.
Student Team Presentation Order
  1. New Mexico State University
  2. University of Texas at Arlington
  3. University of Texas at San Antonio
  4. University of Texas at Dallas
  5. New Mexico Tech
  6. University of Texas at Austin
  7. Texas Tech
  8. University of New Mexico
  9. University of Houston
  10. University of Texas at El Paso
  11. University of Texas at Tyler
  12. Southern Methodist University

If you have not submitted your student registration form please click the link below to register. 

2019 Team Oral Presentations

2022 Team Oral Presentations